Fuck Your Table

Nada Chehade
Published in
Jan 28, 2024


A bloody table made from human limbs
Bloody Table Made from Native Limbs- Canva AI Generator

Fuck your table

If you ever catch me dragging a seat to one

It won't be to sit down with you

Fuck your table

Suspended atop thousands of baby limbs

Desecrated graves and 75 apartheid-state solutions

Fuck your table

we reject your UNinvitation anyway

I thought that was obvious when freedom glided over barbed wire

Fuck your table

Who made you the sheriffs of us?

Palestine came for liberation

Hi, I'm Nada, and I don't want a seat at your table. Fuck your table. I will use my hands to break it into little pieces and build a swing for all the babies who survive your white supremacist colonial depravity. The kids will play and laugh and sing and dream. They will grow old.

