October 7: A Birthright Trip Over Apartheid Wall

Liberation never tasted so painful yet so close…

Nada Chehade
7 min readOct 8, 2024


October 7th, 2023, Operation Al Aqsa Flood: motorized paragliders fly over Oppression Wall and into the Zionist occupation


It's been a year since the marvelous anti-colonial prison break on October 7, 2023. I look back, and I don't recognize who I used to be before that day. Was I letting stolen dreams slip away, leaving behind an ache for what I promised to avenge? Who even was I before October 7?

The first thing I did was message my dad, "BABA, WE'RE GOING HOME!" and then turned to social media to watch my people parade past the Separation Wall — not even animals could get close to the wall without getting shot, let alone Palestinians.

I laughed and cried hysterically at Ayman on TikTok, "LOOK, MAMA!" He screeched behind a shakey camera, "I'm walking on our land," and could see other Palestinians in the background laughing, crying, twirling. They were free.

My heart was screaming with them, TELL US!!! WHAT DO YOU SEE????!!!

It's not like I haven't seen images of that vile western colony planted on us, but I do avoid looking at it because it's a genocidal lie built over the massacre of my people. Palestinians barging through the colonial wall gave us a chance to learn what was…

